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The constructive nature of disruption


mutant DeepDream 1

found footage processed by DeepDream algorithm


I threw a boomerang at Comi-Con, I hit a mutant, broke a bone.


Mutate at the Tate

Evolve at the Met


mutant DeepDream 2

found footage processed by DeepDream algorithm


Sharpen your spear, dear, for years mutants have ruled the comic book and B movie sphere.

an elevator pitch:

Ditch the kitsch & get ready to switch

the survival of the rich?

It’s just another glitch...


mutant DeepDream 3

found footage processed by DeepDream algorithm


Mutants rule much more than geek land, mutants rule the world.

We are all mutants, all earthlings are, probably all ET lifeforms around any star.


Mutate at the Tate

Evolve at the Met


mutant DeepDream 4

found footage processed by DeepDream algorithm


Mutant - a new type of organism produced as the result of mutation.

an elevator pitch:

Ditch the kitsch & get ready to switch

the survival of the rich?

It’s just another glitch...



video, 4:14 min

Mutate explores artistic, cultural and scientific development as evolutionary processes.

In evolutionary biology, the engine of change is the mutation, a glitch, a disruption in the duplication process. The work will present the mutation parallels in scientific and cultural evolution.


Mutate aesthetic

The mutate aesthetic is disruptive, noisy, unpredictable, associative and chaotic.

Mutate ethics

Mutate ethics is the believe that our social structure is in a desperate need for a reform. The work relates to the wisdom of the crowd, the wiki phenomenon & the anonymous group which is in the forefront of the Web activist culture, utilizes hackers' disruptive practice to achieve progressive social change.

Mutate- Duplicate

The mutation has got to have viral attributes to distribute itself.

The viral effect globally distributes languages, cultural myths, themes, memes, texts, technology and human knowledge in general.

In the digital age, duplication of content becomes part of the popular culture, accelerating the speed of the exchange of memes-generations.

Digital activist view the duplication of digital code as a natural right.

Mutate- Evaluate

While in science evolution natural selection manifests itself through the refutation process, in culture evolution natural selection can be referred to the taste of the future, the test of time.

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